瑞燁世紀 (Meng Model) 2023年5月發售:模型 MECHA-004M 汎用人型決戰兵器 人造人間EVA新2號機α 16,000Yen (高: 32.5cm)

MECHA-004M Multipurpose Humanoid Decisive Weapon, Artificial Human Evangelion
Production Model-New 02α (Multi-color Edition)
Available in: May 2023

The Reborn Evangelion Production Model-New 02α
The Evangelion Production Model-New 02α is built by incorporating a number of spare parts with the Evangelion Production Model-02 which was severely damaged during the battle with NERV. Thanks to the thoughtful work of MENG designers, we will soon present this MECHA-004M Multipurpose Humanoid Decisive Weapon, Artificial Human Evangelion Production Model-New 02α (Multi-color Edition) model which features a unique appearance and complex mechanism.
MECHA-004M Multipurpose Humanoid Decisive Weapon, Artificial Human Evangelion Production Model-New 02α (Multi-color Edition) model will be 325mm high after assembly. The excellent sprue injection colors and outstanding parts breakdown replicate the mecha’s different colors. This kit includes decals too. Now, let’s check the details of this kit.

MECHA-004M 汎用ヒト型決戦兵器 人造人間エヴァンゲリオン新2号機α(マルチカラー版)

MENGの新製品「MECHA-004M 汎用ヒト型決戦兵器 人造人間エヴァンゲリオン新2号機α(マルチカラー版)」は、組み立て後全高約325mm。多色成型のマルチカラーランナーと優れたパーツ構成によって劇中のカラーリングを忠実に再現しているほか、高精細な水転写式デカールが付属しています。
